Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Composition Rules & Guidelines



  1. I like the rule ''Lines'' because it has the power to draw the eye to key focal points in a shot and to impact the ‘feel’ of an image greatly.
  2.  I like the rule ''Viewpoint'' because it affects the message that the shot conveys.
  3. I like the rule "Cropping" because the subject gets the viewer's undivided attention.
  4. I like the rule "Balance" because  by including something less important, smaller-appearing creates an element in the background.
  5. I like the rule ''Symmetry'' because a symmetrical image  looks the same on one side as it does on the other. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Portrait Assignment

 These are the first 5 pictures I took of Shyreen. She forgot about the camera by having a conversation & laughing.

These are the two pictures i took of Carlos.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My First Photo Outing.

This Photo Shows The Element of Design "Pattern". The Bricks are the Pattern of This Wall. I Edited The Picture Using Dodge & Blur.

Monday, March 3, 2014